
Asia-Pacific Digital Television Forecasts From Informa Media

Asia-Pacific Digital Television Forecasts From Informa Media

This year will witness the start of a ‘massive expansion’ in the growth of digital television (DTV) in the Asia Pacific region, with growth forecast to be 57% over 2001, reaching 7.9 million homes.

These figures come from a new report from Informa Media Group, produced in association the Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association (CASBAA). It forecasts that the number of digital homes will more than quadruple by 2005 and will grow to 157 million by 2010.

By the end of 2002 there will be 489 million analogue TV households, falling to 257 million by 2010. Accordingly, the overall penetration of DTV in the Asia Pacific region will reach 28% by 2010, with the cable platform accounting for half of this.

Japan leads the way in terms of growth rate, but the sheer size of China will soon see it become the market leader, says the report. By 2010, China will contribute half the region’s digital homes; Japan will retain second place with 26 million, with India not far behind.

Digital TV Households (000) 
  2001  2002  2005  2010 
Australia 737 807 1,646 4,126
China 0 69 11,886 78,112
Hong Kong 30 5 205 1,164
India 0 0 3,301 22,528
Indonesia 30 31 149 430
Japan 2,770 4,032 10,164 25,514
Malaysia 740 833 1,144 2,228
New Zealand 303 409 546 933
Philippines 8 27 285 1,943
Singapore 35 49 231 736
South Korea 26 1,138 5,074 10,996
Taiwan 79 133 1,355 4,055
Thailand 255 285 399 3,445
Total  5,013  7,851  36,385  156,854 
Source: Informa Media Group, December 2002 

Asia-Pacific Digital TV Penetration, 2010 
  Cable  Satellite  DSL Ent.  DTT  Total 
Australia 11 16 10 17 54
China 12 1 1 11 25
Hong Kong 23 5 13 10 50
India 17 2 0 5 24
Indonesia 1 1 0 2 3
Japan* 31 12 9 5 57
Malaysia 2 34 4 15 55
New Zealand 6 40 10 10 65
Philippines 9 1 1 7 18
Singapore 37 0 14 15 66
South Korea 40 20 9 2 70
Taiwan 49 1 9 3 63
Thailand 0 3 1 15 19
Total  14  3  2  9  28 
Source: Informa Media Group, December 2002 

Subscription revenues Subscription revenues are forecast to rise dramatically, primarily due to the greater choice provided by digital transmissions. Total revenues are predicted to rise more than ten-fold between 1995 and 2010. By 2010, Japan, China, India and South Korea will account for 81% of the US$31 billion total. Japan alone will take 44% in 2010.

By 2010, cable will bring in more than two-thirds of subscription TV revenues, with DTH accounting for 19%, and DSL entertainment 12%. Most countries will more than double their subscription revenues between 2002 and 2010.

Pay-per-view (PPV) and video on-demand films (VOD) will raise ‘considerable’ revenues for digital operators, according to Informa. By 2010, the region is expected to receive US$1.9 billion from PPV and VOD, with cable contributing 57% of this total; about 57% of this total will come from Japan.

Subscription TV Revenues (US$ million) 
  1995  2001  2002  2005  2010 
Australia 11 516 571 833 1,742
China 504 1,634 1,750 2,171 3,299
Hong Kong 52 225 235 355 627
India 450 1,270 1,846 2,729 4,980
Indonesia 0 25 34 99 300
Japan* 1,015 5,081 5,816 8,392 13,593
Malaysia 0 127 164 238 397
New Zealand 38 136 168 214 344
Philippines 21 128 162 256 479
Singapore 1 55 67 104 165
South Korea 0 603 1,017 1,969 3,307
Taiwan 503 952 998 1,162 1,455
Thailand 21 110 119 161 278
Total  2,615  10,862  12,946  18,685  30,967 
Source: Informa Media Group, December 2002 

The report also shows that the region will contain 555 million television households by 2010, an increase of 116 million since 1995. Of this, 38% will subscribe to cable (analogue and digital), 3% to digital DTH packages, 2% to DSL entertainment and 9% will receive DTT signals. This leaves 47% of TV households that will only take analogue terrestrial signals.

Informa says that some governments have issued provisional dates for analogue switch-off, but most of these are considered to be too optimistic.

“The claim that Asia Pacific will have 49 million DTT homes by 2010 may appear extraordinary considering the region has very few at present. However, many governments have issued licences for DTT provision and some have also set ambitious dates for analogue switch-off. As with many of the forecasts, China is assumed to adopt DTT soon. Of the 2010 total, 35 million DTT homes are expected to be in China,” says the report.

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