
Associated New Media Readies For Launch Of New Women’s Website

Associated New Media Readies For Launch Of New Women’s Website

Associated New Media (ANM), the new media arm of Associated Newspapers (ANL) launches its second attempt at a women’s web offering on 6 January. Initially meant as a relaunch of charlottestreet.com,femail.co.ukhas emerged with barely a trace of its forebear and is billed as a “2nd generation women’s web site”.

The generation the site is aiming at is the wrong side of 30 but the right side of 50. Advertisers, which so far include Marks & Spender, Thomas Cook and Debenhams, will be offered more than just banner ads. Editorially tailored microsites, sponsorship opportunities, surveys, pop-ups, anchor tenancies and banners and buttons will also be available. Cross-media packages with other ANM and ANL products are expected, with Andy McDouall, head of cross-promotion at the Daily Mail, working with Pat Connolly, head of sales at ANM, to create them.

The financial success of the site will initially depend on the revenue it can generate through these advertising opportunities. However, in time it is hoped that e-commerce will form another rich source. Kevin Beatty, COO at ANM said, “At launch we have already signed up e-commerce deals with GNC, one of the world’s largest vitamin suppliers, and partners such as Zoom.co.uk and Teletext, all of which will provide fully branded femail.co.uk tailored services to the site.”

Original content on the site will be the responsibility of an editorial team of 15, led by editor Maria Trkulja, previously deputy editor of Now magazine and editor of Zoom.co.uk. Content for the site will also be provided by ANM’s network of sites including This Is Money, UK Plus and This Is London and other sites including online UK phone directory UKPhonebook.

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