Agostino Di Falco

Ago spent the first 16 years of his career on the agency side of the business working for Y&R, Leo Burnett and Starcom where he was a founding Director. He made the leap across to the media owner world in 2003 moving to Sky Media as Head of Planning & Strategy. Two years later he joined Viacom Brand Solutions as VP, Planning & Insight. In his 5 years there the company grew its revenue three-fold and won a succession of industry awards including the prestigious Media Week Sales Team of the Year award (2008 & 2009) and Campaign TV Sales Team of the Year award (4 years in succession 2006-2009). Having spent 2010 at start up a business The Third Way, Ago was approached to become part of the new management team at Channel 5 being assembled by Commercial Sales Director, Nick Bampton following its acquisition by Northern & Shell. He became Partnership Director running a department responsible for integrated solutions, sponsorship, product placement, ancillary revenues and insight. At the beginning of 2012, Ago was given the additional task of expanding the team to encompass all cross-media partnerships within the N&S TV, newspaper, magazine and digital portfolio. Since the new management team was installed, Channel 5 has grown its commercial revenues by over third and the Partnership team has played its part, creating 200+ marketing partnerships that have yielded over £90 Million in incremental revenue in the last 3 years. Ago is married with 8 children and as a consequence spends much of his spare time ferrying his kids around!