Build Media CEO Danny Donovan discusses a number of key learnings from his first year as a new media agency founder.
Danny Donovan
As long as brands continue to ignore ‘trust’ in their media planning, where is the incentive for this industry to become more trustworthy?
Far sighted and fair advertisers may continue to invest in the agency relationship, but economic pressures don’t always bring out the far sighted and the fair.
Being in the most-trusted channels seems to have little impact on where advertisers spend their money.
The carbon footprint of the media industry is huge, but too many advertisers don’t don’t see it as their responsibility.
My Wardour Street memento is an important reminder of how Soho has changed. But when it comes to hiring diverse talent, in some ways the spirit of Soho has been lost.
Financial penalties may be what’s needed to bring about the changes we need over diversity, writes the UK CEO of Mediahub.
Danny Donovan, UK CEO at Mediahub considers advertising’s class divide in the wake of the All In Census
In advance of Mediatel’s Future of Brands: Ecommerce this week, MediaHub’s UK CEO Danny Donovan assesses how the four corners of commerce impact our everyday retail behaviour.
Danny Donovan, CEO of Mediahub, reflects on the London landscape his father had to adapt to and questions the validity of a return to work.