Katherine Page, technical consultant for the National Readership Survey, says for the majority of young women the print ‘magazine experience’ is still a relevant one, regardless of how else they consume media…
Katherine Page
Katherine Page, technical consultant for the National Readership Survey, says if a sample doesn’t do a good job of representing the universe then the audience data is likely to be flawed…
Katherine Page, technical consultant for the National Readership Survey, explains how British quality newspapers have shown a remarkable ability to evolve and fulfil their unique role in the media landscape.
Katherine Page, technical consultant at the National Readership Survey, explains why it is worth pursuing Project Fusion. “All the indications are that publisher websites have considerable potential to extend audience reach…”
Despite the increasing popularity of digital media, consumers with a technological bent are still checking out the print editions of their favourite titles, says Katherine Page, technical consultant at the National Readership Survey.