Steve Cox, marketing director of JCDecaux Airport, explains why media research has to be smart and persuasive insight, communicated in a simple way if it is to be useful and get used…
Steve Cox
In the same way that an OTS on TV differs from one on radio, so it’s also incorrect to assume that an OTS on a billboard is of equal value to one in a shopping mall or an airport.
Steve Cox, marketing director at Titan Outdoor, on the elements that go together to make posters a powerful “multiplier” when combined with other media
Viacom Outdoor recently revealed new research proving that the longer a person spends with an ad, the more likely they are to absorb its content. Steve Cox, strategic planning director at the company explains how the study set about proving its hypothesis…The past couple of years have seen “engagement” truly enter the communications planning lexicon,… Continue reading Total Recall