Tamsin Hussey

Tam Hussey is a digital strategist who helps deliver end-to-end digital transformation solutions for her clients. Prior to joining Infosys Digital whilst at WPP’s global full service mobile marketing agency, Joule, she provided strategic services to clients including Unilever, Mazda, BP and Kimberley Clark, to name a few. Having been at the forefront of mobile since its inception, Tam, at mobile start up Flix, worked with network operators to develop and populate content platforms for their customers. When the walled gardens came down in 2006, she helped evolve the company into one of the leading independent mobile marketing agencies, providing strategic mobile marketing and production services to clients including Warner Brothers, Nivea, Cancer Research UK and London City Airport. Tam is continually fascinated by how digital is disrupting industries and empowering people, and takes pride in helping clients harness its power to drive a competitive edge in rapidly-changing, consumer-centric, digital marketplace.