Mediacom’s Sue Unerman and Jonathan Salem Baskin promoted their new book Tell the Truth: How Honesty is Your Most Powerful Marketing Tool as part of the launch of Bucks New University’s new advertising society ‘AdSoc’ last week.
Vic Davies
In response to Brian Jacobs’ article ‘Finally – the year of mobile?’, Vic Davies of Bucks New University, looks at how mobile technology is now creeping into the living room via games consoles and televisions and the effect this may have on the family unit.
In response to Derek Jones’ ‘Will video kill the reach and frequency stars?’ article, Vic Davies, course leader and senior lecturer at Bucks New University, says it will be dangerous if the digital behavioural concept gets used as a trading currency…
In response to Nick Manning’s “Blueprint for a new business model” article, Vic Davies, senior lecturer and course leader at Bucks New University, explains why the industry shouldn’t worry about ending up in South Wales – when in fact, it is much more likely to find itself in Neverland, being “a Peter Pan industry that never grew up, whilst those around it did”…