
Auto manufacturers is top gaining US website category

Auto manufacturers is top gaining US website category

The internet

comScore’s analysis of US web activity for March 2010 reveals that auto manufacturers ranked as the top-gaining site category for the month, up 23% to more than 30 million visitors.

Political sites grew 18% in March to 20.5 million visitors, while online trading sites grew 13% to 11.5 million unique visitors.

Jack Flanagan, executive vice president of comScore Media Metrix, said: “Auto manufacturers relied on incentives and promotions to boost sales before the end of the quarter, sending more Americans to research their purchases online prior to buying.

“As automakers compete in this challenging market, it is ever more important for consumers to research all of their options online before making these important purchase decisions.

“Americans also looked to stay abreast of the monumental healthcare bill negotiations in March by closely following political news and information online.”

comScore Top 10 Gaining Site Categories by % Change in US Unique Visitors, March 2010 vs. February 2010, Total US – Home, Work and University Locations
Total Unique Visitors (000)
Feb-10 Mar-10 % Change
Total Internet : Total Audience 209,749 212,593 1
Automotive – Manufacturer 24,554 30,268 23
Community – Green 18,773 22,615 20
News/Information – Politics 17,410 20,523 18
Retail – Tickets 23,618 27,007 14
Business/Finance – Online Trading 10,218 11,533 13
Services – Downloads 77,108 86,949 13
Travel – Car Rental 5,297 5,954 12
Retail – Fragrances/Cosmetics 13,434 14,956 11
Travel – Transactions 3,854 4,287 11
Retail – Toys 16,618 18,459 11
Source: comScore

In separate research published earlier this month, comScore revealed that more than 174 million US internet users watched online video during February.

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