
Average American Consumer Spends 6.1 Hours With Video Each Day

Average American Consumer Spends 6.1 Hours With Video Each Day

A new study from Solutions Research Group has found that an average American consumer aged 12 and older with internet access now spends 6.1 hours daily with video based entertainment, up from 4.6 hours in 1996.

Of this 6.1 hours, 63.9% (nearly four hours per day) currently comes from traditional television, including live, DVR and video-on-demand viewing.

TV accounted for a lower share of video based entertainment among younger Americans, 42.4% among those 12-24 (v 63.9% total population average).

Projections developed for the report suggest that per capita time spent with PC, web and mobile video will increase from just under one hour per day currently to nearly 2.9 hours by early 2013.

Total hours with video based entertainment on all platforms is forecast to expand nearly 35% to about eight hours on average.

The Deloitte Digital Index, published at the start of this month, found that 19% of UK households currently consume online video on a regular basis, up 8% from August 2007 (see 19% Of UK Households Watch Online Video).

In January, ABI Research forecast that mobile TV subscriber numbers would reach 462 million over the next five years (see Mobile TV Subscribers To Number 462m By 2012).

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