BARB has now issued the first Week’s Viewing In Summary bulletin covering the first week of the new contract (w/e 11/8).
Although shares and top programmes have been issued, much of the usual data is missing. Daily and weekly reach figures have been suspended for the time being, and although they will be re-introduced in the future, there is no guarantee that the missing weeks will be filled in.
In addition, there is no data for breakfast TV services,and no indication of if and when this information will be released. Figures for average weekly viewing per head have also not been issued, because of suspect results which show significant variations on the old panel. It is hoped that this data will be ready for release in the next few days.
In the meantime, the general dissatisfaction with the new data has prompted discussions at the IPA about supplying agencies with its own TV air- time data.
Although no details are available yet, it is understood that the IPA is considering launching its own study, which will then be made available to members.