
Bauer Appoints New Bella Editor

Bauer Appoints New Bella Editor

Bella H Bauer has appointed Julia Davis, former deputy editor of OK!, as editor of Bella.

Davis replaces Jayne Marsden, who leaves after four years as editor of the magazine.

The most recent ABC figures, for January to June 2007, show that Bella‘s circulation was down by more than 25% year on year (see ABC Results Jan-Jun 2007: Take A Break Stays Top Of Women’s Weeklies Amidst Sizeable Declines).

Its total now stands at around 247,400 copies, with the next set of ABC figures, for July to December 2007, due to be released on February 14.

David Goodchild, Bauer managing director, said: “We are delighted that Julia is joining Bella and are extremely excited about the ideas and experience that she will bring to the magazine.”

Last year Bella underwent a redesign featuring more celebrity content aimed at repositioning it for younger readers.

H Bauer Publishing: 020 7241 8000 www.bauer.co.uk

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