
Bauer To Launch Major Digital Initiative

Bauer To Launch Major Digital Initiative

Bauer Logo Bauer Consumer Media is preparing to launch a major digital initiative, the first since its acquisition of Emap, which will be a social networking site for film buffs and music enthusiasts.

The launch of Ditto.net, which is billed as Last.fm meets Amazon, is the first in a series of planned music-themed extensions to Bauer’s portfolio.

Ditto.net is about to go into beta testing, with a launch planned for late April or early May, and is reportedly proving a “huge success” with its 50,000 alpha test users.

Its working name was Project Loudmouth and it has been in production for more than a year.

Billed as an “entertainment matchmaker”, the site introduces people who share the same tastes and preferences. Users will share feedback and opinion on films and music, as well as books, games and TV shows, and will be able to start their own discussion topics, as well as joining others.

Discussion forums allow users to recommend favourite films, albums or novels, share opinions about their least favourite and ask questions of other like-minded members.

The site will offer basic recommendations based on the user’s age and gender, with specific searches on film themes and music releases.

H Bauer Publishing: 020 7241 8000 www.bauer.co.uk

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