
BBC appoints director of strategy

BBC appoints director of strategy

BBC director-general Tony Hall has announced the appointment of Gautam Rangarajan as the corporation’s director of strategy.

Rangarajan was previously controller, public service strategy, and has been in the BBC’s strategy team for five years.

“This is a first-class appointment,” said Hall. “With his extensive experience of the BBC and his forensic insight into the broadcasting industry, Gautam was the outstanding candidate.

“His breadth of knowledge and intellect will provide strong leadership as we prepare for the BBC’s centenary in 2022.”

Rangarajan said: “The BBC is a force for good in this country and around the world. It’s an honour for me to be asked to lead the strategy team that will be shaping the BBC’s future direction.”

Rangarajan will be reporting to James Purnell, director of strategy.

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