
BBC iPlayer launches video downloads for Android

BBC iPlayer launches video downloads for Android


The BBC has announced that it will be launching iPlayer video downloads for Android devices, allowing users to download BBC shows for free and keep them for up to 30 days.

The updated iPlayer Android app will be available in the Google Play Store from Thursday, and is to be updated in the Amazon App Store in the coming days.

David Berlin, the BBC’s senior product manager responsible for the mobile Android application, said in a blog post on the BBC that due to the ‘unique’ characteristics of the Android platform, users will also be able to download programmes while doing other things, a feature which isn’t currently possible on iOS devices.

The app will allow users to manually switch between standard and high quality downloads to vary download time and picture quality on phones and tablets.

A full list of devices that will support download functionality for BBC TV programmes from the launch can be found on the BBC’s blog.

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