
BBC Launches Marketing Drive To Convey Value

BBC Launches Marketing Drive To Convey Value

BBC Building The BBC has embarked upon its largest marketing offensive since the “Perfect Day” campaign, seeking to highlight its real-life value, with the tagline “This is what we do.”

The campaign highlights some of the Corporation’s achievements, including footage of warzone reporting by John Simpson, and a behind the scenes look at BBC One’s Planet Earth.

Comprising four trailers, the campaign also highlights the BBC’s commissioning of new comedy. Referencing Ricky Gervais’ The Office, one trailer states: “Who would commission a sitcom from someone who had never written, directed or acted in one before?”

The execution is intended to highlight the “passion and commitment of individuals working for the organisation”, underlining the Corporation’s worth at a time when the licence fee and public value tests are high on the political agenda (see BBC Faces First Public Value Test For Online Streaming).

Explaining the need for the promotional push, Helen Kellie, head of brand and planning at the BBC, said: “What truly sets the BBC apart is the extraordinary lengths our people go to to get great content for our audience. This campaign shows the public some of that magic.”

The last major marketing drive by the Corporation, which saw a re-working of Lou Reed’s classic Perfect Day, was well received by the public, with research from CIA MediaLab indicating that 88% of those exposed to the campaign claiming to have liked it (see BBC’s ‘Perfect Day’ Is Okay).

BBC: 020 8743 8000 www.bbc.co.uk

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