
BBC radio shows fined £95,000

BBC radio shows fined £95,000

BBC HQ Ofcom has fined the BBC £95,000 for serious breaches in relation to phone-in competitions in two pre-recorded radio programmes.

The regulator imposed the penalty on the corporation for “serious” breaches of its code in Dermot O’Leary’s Radio 2 show and Tony Blackburn’s BBC London 94.9FM show, according to reports.

Ofcom said the BBC had encouraged listeners to enter phone-in competitions in pre-recorded programmes that were broadcast as “live” when they had no chance of winning.

The BBC has been ordered to pay £70,000 for the Radio 2 shows in breach between June and December 2006, as well as an additional £25,000 for BBC London’s shows between December 2005 and December 2006.

Ofcom said: “The BBC invited listeners to enter these competitions at the time of the broadcasts, in the full knowledge that the audience stood no chance of either entering or winning.”

The fine follows the £115,000 penalty that Ofcom imposed on BBC 6 Music’s ‘The Liz Kershaw Show’ earlier this year, after finding out the station faked competition winners.

Ofcom: 020 7981 3040 www.ofcom.org.uk BBC: 020 8743 8000 www.bbc.co.uk

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