
BBC Strengthens Dominance Over Commercial Rivals

BBC Strengthens Dominance Over Commercial Rivals

Radio Set The latest RAJAR data shows the BBC fortifying its position against Britain’s commercial radio broadcasters, increasing its national share and seeing little change in the local market.

All BBC’s share of listening now stands at 55.1% following a 1.1% point rise year on year, while All Commercial commands 42.8% after a 1.4% point dip.

The BBC is also seen increasing its share period on period, while Commercial radio continues to see a slide.

The Corporation has increased both weekly reach and share of listening overall, although All National Commercial stations have seen an increase in average hours per listener year on year, signaling a more loyal audience.

Share of Listening

Commercial radio looked downbeat in the fourth quarter of 2005, with All Commercial and All Local Commercial suffering dips in share of listening. All National Commercial showed signs of success, however, notching up a small rise year on year, however this is down on last quarter.

The BBC performed well in the three months to December, meanwhile, adding a significant 1.1% points in the All BBC category, with All BBC Network providing the majority of the uplift.

BBC Local/Regional also increased its share year on year, although BBC Local Radio recorded a 0.3% point dip in the same period to negate the success.

Elsewhere, Other Listening increased its share of listening year on year in Q4, adding 0.3% points.

December 2005 RAJAR Share Of Listening (%) Comparisons
Station Ending Dec 04 Ending Mar 05 Ending Jun 05 Ending Sep 05 Ending Dec 05 YoY % Point Change Dec 04 vs Dec 05
All BBC 54.0 54.2 54.0 54.6 55.1 1.10
All BBC Network Radio 43.0 43.4 43.1 43.9 44.0 1.00
All Commercial 44.2 43.8 44.0 43.5 42.8 -1.40
All Local Commercial 34.2 33.6 33.8 33.0 32.7 -1.50
All National Commercial 10.0 10.2 10.2 10.5 10.1 0.10
BBC Local Radio 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.5 -0.30
BBC Local/Regional 11.0 10.8 10.9 10.7 11.1 0.10
Other Listening 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.1 0.30

Weekly Reach

The BBC extended its weekly reach in the three months to December, adding 1.49% year on year to its total audience, which now sits at just under 33 million.

All Commercial is seen shedding 0.92% in the same period, with its audience now resting at just under 31 million.

The bulk of the Corporation’s increase was provided by its national stations, with All BBC Network adding 1.31% year on year, compared with a dip of 1.38% for All National Commercial.

All Local Commercial radio also suffered, with a downturn of 1.3% year on year more severe than the 0.19% dip felt by BBC Local Radio. The Corporation’s Local/Regional stations were more fortunate in Q4, adding 1.87% year on year.

Overall in terms of weekly reach All Commercial now trails All BBC by just over 2 million, compared to 1.3 million at the same point last year.

The BBC’s strong yearly performance will anger many in the Commercial Radio industry, however, when examined period on period these figures reveal a much less dramatic difference between the two. Comparing Q4 with Q3 reveals All BBC adding 0.3%, while All Commercial notches up a 0.54% increase.

Meanwhile, Other Listening pushed its weekly reach up by a sizable 9.2% year on year. The category currently commands a weekly reach of 2.8 million.

December 2005 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
Station Ending Dec 04 Ending Mar 05 Ending Jun 05 Ending Sep 05 Ending Dec 05 YoY % Change Dec 04 vs Dec 05
All BBC 32,490 32,543 32,885 32,873 32,973 1.49
All BBC Network Radio 28,429 28,614 28,783 28,898 28,802 1.31
All Commercial 31,176 30,977 31,199 30,722 30,888 -0.92
All Local Commercial 25,395 25,424 25,522 24,996 25,064 -1.30
All National Commercial 13,007 12,987 12,950 13,035 12,828 -1.38
BBC Local Radio 7,899 7,880 7,747 7,580 7,884 -0.19
BBC Local/Regional 10,243 10,191 10,077 9,856 10,435 1.87
Other Listening 2,565 2,879 2,690 2,771 2,801 9.20

Average Hours Per Listener

The BBC retained its lead over commercial radio rivals in average hours per listener during Q4, adding an impressive 1.14% year on year to total 17.7 hours per listener. However, this increase was created largely by its national services, with a decline by BBC Local Radio and no change for its Local/Regional stations.

All Commercial suffered a year on year dip in average hours, as a 1.34% downturn left the industry with a total average of 14.7 hours.

This decline was assisted by a 2.82% downturn in average hours for All Local Commercial, while All National Commercial recorded a more optimistic performance, adding 2.47% to average hours year on year.

Other listening put in a strong performance in the three months to December, extending average hours per listener by an impressive 8.11%.

December 2005 RAJAR Average Hours Per Listener Comparisons
Station Ending Dec 04 Ending Mar 05 Ending Jun 05 Ending Sep 05 Ending Dec 05 YoY % Change Dec 04 vs Dec 05
All BBC 17.50 17.60 17.50 17.80 17.70 1.14
All BBC Network Radio 15.90 16.10 16.00 16.30 16.20 1.89
All Commercial 14.90 15.00 15.10 15.20 14.70 -1.34
All Local Commercial 14.20 14.00 14.20 14.20 13.80 -2.82
All National Commercial 8.10 8.30 8.40 8.60 8.30 2.47
BBC Local Radio 11.60 11.60 11.80 11.70 11.50 -0.86
BBC Local/Regional 11.30 11.20 11.60 11.60 11.30 0.00
Other Listening 7.40 7.30 7.90 7.50 8.00 8.11

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