
BBC Trust approves 30-day catch up window for iPlayer

BBC Trust approves 30-day catch up window for iPlayer

The BBC Trust has approved proposals to extend the catch-up window for programmes on BBC iPlayer from seven to 30 days.

The catch-up extension will mean that programmes will be available on iPlayer to stream or download for 30 days after they are first broadcast, with changes expected to be implemented from this summer.

The Trust’s assessment looked at the likely impact on audiences and on the market; the novelty and duration of proposals; and their financial implications.

“With an average of 10.7 million programme requests every day, BBC iPlayer is highly valued by audiences and has been a phenomenal success since it launched six years ago,” said BBC Trust vice chairman, Diane Coyle.

“It is important that iPlayer continues to evolve and meet the expectations of users. We have conducted a thorough assessment of these proposals, including taking independent advice from Ofcom, and concluded that this is a sensible move that will benefit audiences and provide a clearer and more consistent catch-up service.”

Under the plans approved by the Trust, the current ‘series stacking’ option, where multiple episodes of a TV series can be downloaded retrospectively, will end, although it will still be available for radio programmes.

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