
BBC Trust calls for Radio 2 to become more distinctive

BBC Trust calls for Radio 2 to become more distinctive

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BBC Radio 2 needs to become more distinctive, a BBC Trust review has concluded, while 6 music “needs to reach a bigger audience”.

The review – looking at factors including usage, quality, distinctiveness and value for money – found that Radio 2 should become “more distinctive by adopting a more ambitious approach to non-music content in peak time”.

David Liddiment, the BBC Trustee who led the review, said: “Radio 2 has a large audience who clearly love its output, but the review showed it must break out of the routine with its programming, in particular to be more distinctive during peak time. In contrast, 6 Music has a distinctive approach, but the review concluded that it needed to grow its audience base without losing its USP.

“We’re aware of concerns about Radio 2 targeting a younger audience. The current average audience age of 50 is well within the station’s target audience, but the Trust is clear that this must not fall any further, and we would like to see Radio 2 work on its appeal to over 65 year olds.”

The review also found that with 6 Music reaching just 1% of the adult population – and 20% of adults aware that the station even exists – changes should be made to strengthen its appeal.

It added that the station should ensure presenters are not only popular, but also have musical credibility.

The findings were welcomed by Andrew Harrison, chief executive of the industry body for commercial radio, the RadioCentre. “”Radio 2 has a unique opportunity to offer licence fee payers the sort of distinctive output that can’t be heard anywhere else, due to its popularity and privileged funding position,” he said.

“It is now down to the BBC to demonstrate that it can raise the bar and start to offer a more genuinely diverse and distinctive service across all parts of the schedule.”

He added: “We will be watching the fate of 6 Music very closely, but welcome the emphasis on this being more firmly positioned as an alternative station, with a greater depth and context to its output.  At the moment it is suffering from a lack of clear identity.”

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