
Broadband Businesses Save Time And Money

Broadband Businesses Save Time And Money

Broadband saves UK workers more than 90 minutes a day according to research carried out by communications company, NTL.

UK businesses that upgraded from slow and unreliable dial-up internet connections to broadband access were recovering an extra day a week, which adds up to a mammoth 52 days a year, says the report.

The majority of the 400 companies interviewed, told NTL the main reason for making the switch to high-speed internet connection is to save time and money. Two-thirds of respondees also said that broadband has significantly improved their ability to communicate with customers.

Business services director, Simon Tse said: “These results highlight just how valuable broadband is in today’s business environment. With effectively another 52 days in the year, not only are companies finding more time to win new business, they’re transforming the way they service existing customers and deal with suppliers.

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