
Broadband Lines Hit 123 Million Worldwide

Broadband Lines Hit 123 Million Worldwide

Broadband continues to dominate as the world’s most rapidly expanding major market, growing by nearly 55% to over 123 million lines during the last 12 months, according to a new report from Point Topic.

From June 2003 to June 2004, DSL lines also experienced rapid expansion, increasing by over 66% to 78 million, while cable modem and other broadband lines increased by 29% to 45 million.

One service starting to make head-way in the market is the addition of ‘fibre-to-the-building’ (FTTB or Fttx) broadband lines, which grew by 7.3% to 9 million lines during the 12 month period. This option basically allows broadband internet to be offered to people working or living inside a building.

In terms of broadband lines per country, the USA is still way out in front with over 29 million lines and although China is growing fast, it remains 10 million lines behind.

In Europe, Germany and France tie with about 5.1 million lines each, while the UK trails slightly with 750,000 less lines but growing fast, says Point Topic.

Growth in Japan is starting to level off and already, Korea is almost static in its total number of lines.

In a separate report, Point Topic estimates that spending from businesses on broadband value added services helped push the worldwide broadband market through the $50 billion barrier early this year (see Extra Broadband Services Help Push Market to $50bn).

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