
Broadband Lines Reach 111.7 Million

Broadband Lines Reach 111.7 Million

The number of broadband lines worldwide hit 111.7 million in March 2004, representing a record increase of 12.3 million since the end of 2003, according to research from broadband analysis company, Point Topic.

The world’s top ten major economies make up 10.1 million lines between them, with US having the largest broadband market with over 27.4 million lines and China overtakine Japan for second plan with 15 million.

A number of developing countries, or as described by Point Topic – ‘next generation broadband countries’, have featured in the analysis of quarter one 2004.

Asia Pacific Malaysia lead the top ten countries by percentage growth, up by 52% to reach 137,000 installed broadband lines. Mexico and Peru also achieved an increase of 25% and 20% respecitvely within the three month period, along with Eastern Europe which performed positively, especially in Poland, growing by 18%. While China, which already has a huge established base, grew by 24%.

The DSL share of total lines continued to dominate at 66%, with cable modems and other technologies making up the remaining 34%. DSL lines increased by over 9.6 million, compared to only 2.6 million for cable modems and other broadband lines.

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