
Broadband Subscribers Increase 33%

Broadband Subscribers Increase 33%

The number of broadband subscribers in the 30 countries tracked by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reached 181 million in June, a 33% increase over the previous year.

The research shows that broadband reaches an average 15.5 subscribers per 100 inhabitants, compared to 11.7 subscribers per 100 in 2005.

DSL (63%) leads over cable modems (29%) and other technologies (8%), like satellite, fiber, and fixed wireless, in 28 of the 30 countries. Users in the US and Canada tend to opt for cable modems over DSL.

The US has the largest total number of broadband subscribers at 57 million, and the country accounts for 36% of all broadband connections for the 30 OECD countries.

Excluding the US, Northern European countries are among the highest rank in terms of broadband penetration. Denmark, the Netherlands, Iceland, Korea, Switzerland, and Finland each have at least 25 broadband subscribers per 100 residents.

In the first half of the year the strongest growth in broadband was seen in Denmark, Australia, Norway, the Netherlands, Finland, Luxembourg, Sweden and the U.K. where over six subscribers per 100 people were added in each country.

Point Topic recently released some research which said that the proportion of UK households with broadband will almost double, from 34% at the end of 2005, to 64% three years later (see 64% Of UK Households On Broadband By 2008).

However, another report from Point Topic noted that broadband’s quarterly growth rate in Q2 2006 has been the lowest ever, just 7.1% worldwide, a large drop from the 8.5% at the end of 2005 (see Lowest Quarterly Growth Rate In Broadband History).

Broadband Subscribers Per 100 Inhabitants by Technology, June 2006 
Rank  Country  DSL  Cable  Other  Total  Total Subscribers 
1 Denmark 17.4 9 2.8 29.3 1,590,539
2 Netherlands 17.2 11.1 0.5 28.8 4,705,829
3 Iceland 26.5 0 0.7 27.3 80,672
4 Korea 13.2 8.8 4.5 26.4 12,770,911
5 Switzerland 16.9 9 0.4 26.2 1,945,358
6 Finland 21.7 3.1 0.2 25 1,309,800
7 Norway 20.4 3.8 0.4 24.6 1,137,697
8 Sweden 14.4 4.3 4 22.7 2,046,222
9 Canada 10.8 11.5 0.1 22.4 7,161,872
10 United Kingdom 14.6 4.9 0 19.4 11,622,929
11 Belgium 11.9 7.4 0 19.3 2,025,112
12 United States 8 9.8 1.4 19.2 56,502,351
13 Japan 11.3 2.7 4.9 19 24,217,012
14 Luxembourg 16 1.9 0 17.9 81,303
15 Austria 11.2 6.3 0.2 17.7 1,460,000
16 France 16.7 1 0 17.7 11,105,000
17 Australia 13.9 2.9 0.6 17.4 3,518,100
18 Germany 14.7 0.3 0.1 15.1 12,444,600
19 Spain 10.5 3.1 0.1 13.6 5,917,082
20 Italy 12.6 0 0.6 13.2 7,697,249
21 Portugal 7.9 5 0 12.9 1,355,602
22 New Zealand 10.7 0.5 0.6 11.7 479,000
23 Czech Republic 3.9 2 3.5 9.4 962,000
24 Ireland 6.8 1 1.4 9.2 372,300
25 Hungary 4.8 2.9 0.1 7.8 791,555
26 Poland 3.9 1.3 0.1 5.3 2,032,700
27 Turkey 2.9 0 0 3 2,128,600
28 Slovak Republic 2.2 0.5 0.2 2.9 155,659
29 Mexico 2.1 0.7 0 2.8 2,950,988
30 Greece 2.7 0 0 2.7 298,222
  OECD 9.7 4.6 1.2 15.5 180,866,265
1. Data for Mexico and Sweden are preliminary estimates.
2. The OECD statistics for the “Other Broadband” category of the Czech Republic include a large number of fixed wireless broadband connections provided over mobile networks.
Source: OECD, 2006
Broadband Subscribers Per 100 Inhabitants, 2001-2005 
Country  2001  2002  2003  2004  2005 
Australia 0.9 1.8 3.5 7.7 13.8
Austria 3.6 5.6 7.6 10.1 14.1
Belgium 4.4 8.7 11.7 15.5 18.3
Canada 8.9 12.1 15.1 17.6 21
Czech Republic 0.1 0.2 0.5 2.5 6.4
Denmark 4.4 8.2 13 19 25
Finland 1.3 5.5 9.5 14.9 22.5
France 1 2.8 5.9 10.5 15.2
Germany 2.3 4.1 5.6 8.4 13
Greece 0 0 0.1 0.4 1.4
Hungary 0.3 0.6 2 3.6 6.3
Iceland 3.7 8.4 14.3 18.2 26.7
Ireland 0 0.3 0.8 3.3 6.7
Italy 0.7 1.7 4.1 8.1 11.9
Japan 2.2 6.1 10.7 15 17.6
Korea 17.2 21.8 24.2 24.8 25.4
Luxembourg 0.3 1.5 3.5 9.8 14.9
Mexico 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.9 2.2
Netherlands 3.8 7 11.8 19 25.3
New Zealand 0.7 1.6 2.6 4.7 8.1
Norway 1.9 4.2 8 14.8 21.9
Poland 0.1 0.3 0.8 2.1 2.4
Portugal 1 2.5 4.8 8.2 11.5
Slovak Republic 0 0 0.3 1 2.5
Spain 1.2 3 5.4 8.1 11.7
Sweden 5.4 8.1 10.7 14.5 20.3
Switzerland 2 5.6 10.1 17.5 23.1
Turkey 0 0 0.3 0.7 2.1
United Kingdom 0.6 2.3 5.4 10.5 15.9
United States 4.5 6.9 9.7 12.9 16.8
OECD 2.9 4.9 7.3 10.2 13.6
EU15 1.6 3.4 5.9 9.7 14.2
Source: OECD, 2006

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