
Bumper year sets UKTV against Sky and C5 for first time

Bumper year sets UKTV against Sky and C5 for first time

Dave Gorman Modern Life is Goodish is among the most popular UKTV programmes of 2015.

UKTV’s share of commercial impacts hit an all-time high of 9.27% in 2015, putting it neck and neck with Sky and Channel 5 portfolios.

Up from a little under 5.1% in 2014, the broadcaster’s current share now marginally exceeds both Channel 5 (9.26%) and Sky branded channels (9.25%).

According to BARB, UKTV’s share of viewing has also grown significantly, up by 30% in the last five years to 5.27% – bolstered by increased investment in original programming.

Commissions including Storage Hunters UK Celebrity Special and Dave Gorman Modern Life is Goodish were among the highest rated UKTV programmes of 2015.

UKTV table

“UKTV’s success is because we have taken risks and experimented with our content mix, ensuring viewers needs are at the heart of everything we do,” said UKTV’s chief financial officer, Jan Gooze-Zilj.

“For the first time in our history we are on a par with both Sky and Channel 5’s full portfolios which is testament to the hard work of all 270 staff members based here in Hammersmith.”

The broadcaster, which is jointly owned by BBC Worldwide and Scripps Networks Interactive, also saw its on-demand service improve its performance over the year, with UKTV Play views up 26% and downloads of the iOS app up 175%.

Similarly, UKTV Play’s growth was driven by high-performing UKTV originals such as Dave Gorman Modern Life is Goodish, Taskmaster and Most Haunted Live, as well as launches on a number of new platforms such as Amazon Fire TV.

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