
C4 to replace 4oD with new online hub

C4 to replace 4oD with new online hub

Channel 4 has announced that its current on-demand platform, 4oD, is to evolve into a brand new digital hub, All 4 – a single online destination which will present all of the broadcaster’s linear channels, digital content and services in one place, for the first time.

Bringing together all the components of Channel 4’s services, the All 4 logo will use colours to represent each of the broadcaster’s different brands. As the viewer navigates through the platform, the logo will respond to highlight each channel brand based on where the viewer is within All 4.

Channel 4 currently has an online database of more than 10 million unique registered users, including half of all 16-24 year olds. In 2013, the broadcaster’s video on-demand viewing grew 6% to 476 million views, with almost 30% of all VOD views coming from logged-in registered users.

Commenting on the move, Channel 4’s chief marketing and communications officer, Dan Brooke, said: “It’s an important moment in Channel 4’s history as this new identity links our digital future to our creative roots, with the use of the much-loved multi-coloured logo, re-imagined for the multi-media 21st Century.”

All 4 will replace the 4oD brand on all platforms from the end of Q1 2015. The new All 4 user interface and functionality will launch initially on PC and iOS devices – and will be extended to other digital platforms across 2015.

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