
C4 unveils new UK Tribes website

C4 unveils new UK Tribes website

Channel 4's UK Tribes Initiative Channel 4 has today launched a new version of its youth insight project, UK Tribes, with a number of new features including the introduction of five new tribes.

The revised website, which originally launched in 2006 with the objective of giving agencies and advertisers a guide to UK youth culture, features additional findings on the current 25 tribes.

The new site features five new tribes that have been identified as “shaping contemporary youth culture”, as well as updated films, essays, image galleries and interviews.

Users will be able to explore the motivations and attitudes of five new youth groups, including “Rahs” – the middle class brigade, “Scene Kids” – an Emo-Chav hybrid, “Boy Racers”, “Sport Junkies” and “Craft Kids”.

Channel 4’s tribal insights aim to give planners a “detailed exploration into tribal media consumption habits and brand preferences”.

The project, which features a “nationwide network of young contributors”, has been created for Channel 4 by audience behaviour agency Crowd DNA.

Andy Crysell, Crowd DNA’s managing director, said: “UK Tribes has gathered fantastic momentum over the years. The brief on this occasion was to really push on the look, feel, interactivity and accessibility of uktribes.com, so that the site befits the fascinating insights we’ve gathered on youth culture.”

Channel 4’s research group head, Stephanie Matthews, added: “UK Tribes continues to inspire and influence youth thinking, not only within Channel 4, but among key agencies and youth advertisers. The new site leads the way for insight communication online.”

Channel Four: 020 7396 4444 www.channel4.com

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