
Capital Still Londoner’s Favourite As Smaller Stations Make Gains

Capital Still Londoner’s Favourite As Smaller Stations Make Gains

The March 2000 RAJAR figures showed Capital 95.8 FM holding onto its position as the most popular station in London. However, the station’s reach dropped below the 3 million mark to 2,715,000, a fall of 10%. The station’s share of listening now stands at 11.6%, ahead of its nearest rival, Heart 106.2, which has 5.2%. Heart has narrowed the gap in audience figures, however, with an increase of 12.3% in reach, bringing it to 1,664,000.

Among the other popular stations, Magic FM increased its reach by 8.3% to 1,469,000, while Virgin 105.8 FM’s reach rose 1.7% to 1,165,000. Virgin saw no increase in share of listening, however, while Magic FM dropped nearly 1% to 5%. Capital Gold still commands a weekly reach of 1.4 million, but this represented a drop of nearly 4%. Its share of listening also fell by nearly 1%. Kiss 100 FM dropped 1.6% to 1,332,000 in reach, but at 3.7% has added half a percent in share of listening.

The largest percentage increases in reach were seen among the smaller stations. FLR (First Love Radio) saw a 200% increase in its weekly reach, which increased to 6,000 listeners; its share of listening in the capital is now 0.2%. Spectrum Radio also takes a 0.2% share of listening, and this AM station saw its weekly reach increase to 146,000, a growth of 64%.

March 2000 RAJAR Weekly Reach (000s) Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Dec 1999 Ending Mar 2000 % Change
963/972 AM Liberty H 43 50 16.3
BBC GLR Q 436 404 -7.3
Capital 95.8 FM Q 3,017 2,715 -10.0
Capital Gold London Q 1,419 1,364 -3.9
Choice FM (London) H 272 226 -16.9
FLR (First Love Radio) H 2 6 200.0
Heart 106.2 FM Q 1,482 1,664 12.3
Jazz FM 102.2 Q 636 673 5.8
Kiss 100 FM Q 1,353 1,332 -1.6
LBC 1152 AM Q 433 470 8.5
Magic FM Q 1,356 1,469 8.3
News Direct 97.3FM Q 470 456 -3.0
Premier Christian Radio Q 178 152 -14.6
Ritz Country 1035 Q 158 134 -15.2
Spectrum Radio on 558 AM Q 89 146 64.0
Sunrise Radio (London) H 308 331 7.5
Virgin 105.8 FM London Q 1145 1,165 1.7
XFM Q 383 420 9.7

March 2000 RAJAR Share Of Listening (%) Comparisons
Station Survey Period Ending Dec 1999 Ending Mar 2000 % Point Change
963/972 AM Liberty H 0.1 0.1 0.0
BBC GLR Q 1.2 1.2 0.0
Capital 95.8 FM Q 11.9 11.6 -0.3
Capital Gold London Q 4.3 3.4 -0.9
Choice FM (London) H 3.1 2.4 -0.7
FLR (First Love Radio) H 0.1 0.2 0.1
Heart 106.2 FM Q 4.5 5.2 0.7
Jazz FM 102.2 Q 1.9 1.5 -0.4
Kiss 100 FM Q 3.2 3.7 0.5
LBC 1152 AM Q 3.1 3 -0.1
Magic FM Q 5.9 5 -0.9
News Direct 97.3FM Q 0.9 0.6 -0.3
Premier Christian Radio Q 0.8 1 0.2
Ritz Country 1035 Q 0.6 0.6 0.0
Spectrum Radio on 558 AM Q 0.2 0.4 0.2
Sunrise Radio (London) H 1.5 1.8 0.3
Virgin 105.8 FM London Q 3.1 3.1 0.0
XFM Q 1 1.2 0.2

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