
Carlton Cable Sales Wins New Clients

Carlton Cable Sales Wins New Clients

Carlton Cable and Satellite Sales was launched formally this week with the announcement that it has won business from two extra cable companies. The sales division, which has been setting up for the last six weeks, has won the Box (a music juke-box channel) and The Travel Channel from Scott Lynds.

Cable and Satellite Sales hopes to announce shortly that it will also add Tara (the Irish arts channel) to its list of clients. The new division already handles sales for L!ve TV and SelecTV, who were also won from Scott Lynds. SelecTV will be renamed Carlton Select in May and will feature Carlton re-runs like The Bill and Soldier Soldier. The channel was bought by Carlton for £5.2m in January (Newsline 30/01).

Carlton UK: 0171 240 4000

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