
Caviar 10

Caviar 10

11% of the population over the age of 7 go to the cinema more than once a month, according to the latest CAVIAR research, the highest percentage since the survey began 10 years ago.

62% of the population are now cinema-goers with the prime audience being the 15-24 age group. CAVIAR 10 shows 56% of cinema visits are made by those in the ABC1 social band, compared with 54% in the last survey.

Multiplex cinemas are favoured by the 15-24 age group. When asked why they preferred Multiplex cinemas 34% said for convenience, 17% said for choice and 12% said for comfort.

Most Watched Films By Age

Age Film % Who Saw Film
7-11 Hook 31%
Addams Family 19%
Snow White 19%
12-14 Addams Family 29%
My Girl 28%
Batman Returns 26%
15-19 Wayne’s World 30%
Bill&Teds Bogus Jrny 29%
Lethal Weapon 3 27%
20-24 Lethal Weapon 3 32%
Basic Instinct 32%
Cape Fear 23%
25-34 Hook 15%
Basic Instinct 14%
Lethal Weapon 3 12%

Visits Profile By Age (%)

Age Non-Multiplex Cinemas Multiplex Cinemas
7-14 20 14
15-24 38 45
25-34 18 24
35+ 24 17

84% of the population now has a VCR at home, 18% a cable or satellite system, 34% a home computer and 24% an electronic games system. 29% had watched a video recorded from the TV in the week prior to being interviewed, while 6% had watched films recorded from satellite. 17% had watched a hired video, this compares to 22% in 1990, and 18% had watched bought videos. The 5 most watched videos were:

Video % of Pop Who Saw Video
Ghost 41%
Home Alone 39%
Robin Hood 34%
Terminator 2 30%
Silence of the Lambs 29%

The average person bought 2.14 videos last year with 70% of the population buying or being given a video compared with 45% in 1991. Films comprise 50% of all purchases,while 11% were children’s TV programmes and 9% were music videos.

CAVIAR 10 is a result of interviews conducted by BMRB over a 3-week period in October and November 1992. Copies of the survey can be obtained from the Cinema Advertising Association.

CAA: 071 439 9531

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