
Channel 4 Strategy To Push VOD And Mobile

Channel 4 Strategy To Push VOD And Mobile

Channel 4 Logo Channel 4 has fixed its focus firmly on emerging media platforms, hiring brand consultancy Branded to shape its long-term strategy ahead of a push into video on-demand and mobile media.

Channel 4 director of marketing, Polly Cochrane, has brought Branded in to combat the threat of the broadcaster’s brand being diluted in the move to increasingly varied digital platforms.

“Channel 4 has to diversify if it wants to have the same cultural impact post switchover as it has today,” she explained. “Branded will help us articulate the role of the 4 brand in a digital future, whilst ensuring that our brand values are to the fore in any new ventures launched along the way.”

Branded will be charged in particular with Channel 4’s brand as its progresses towards video on-demand and mobile delivery of content. Last month saw the broadcaster outline its plans for the future of FilmFour, taking the channel free to air and launching a subscription based on-demand service (see FilmFour Moves Free-To-Air As C4 Plot On-Demand Movies).

Channel 4 chief executive Andy Duncan has also pledged to push the broadcaster onto mobile platforms with increasing conviction, stating at last years Edinburgh TV Festival that, while broadband is exciting, “mobile is the one that no-one has thought right through yet.” The broadcast boss went on to state that, with more than one mobile per head in Britain “Channel 4 has a big part to play there” (see Channel 4 Boss Makes The Case For Public Funding).

Commenting on today’s win, Philip Ley, founder and managing director of Branded, said: “These appointments reflect Branded’s understanding of the opportunities presented by new platforms and our insights into how television will be consumed tomorrow. Going forward, this will be critical in the development and positioning of the Channel 4 brand.

“Our primary role will be to stimulate thinking on how Channel 4 should be adapting to the new digital revolution.”

Channel Four: 020 7396 4444 www.channel4.com

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