
Choices faced by the US TV viewing population

Choices faced by the US TV viewing population

MediaPost’s VidBlog takes an interesting look this week at the different options facing the US TV viewing public:

“In coming years, more and more TV viewers will be doing what I have to do every night when my wife and I contemplate an evening of lean-backness. What’s it gonna cost us this time?

Do I rent from Apple TV or fire up the Google TV to look for a better deal on Amazon?

If no compelling recent issue film seems worth the $4 to $5 a la carte fee, then which back catalog of all-you-can eat wares do I plumb? Amazon Prime’s limp but growing library that costs me $70 or so a year (with other benefits)? Netflix at $12 or so a month, with added benefits? Or do I look for something on my HBO Go app on Google TV or iPad?. After all, I know HBO is costing me something extra a month as part of my Comcast HD bundle, but I am more interested in their back catalog of great series than I am in the current content on my TV grid.

And speaking of grids, do I really want to drill into the horrendous and unresponsive set top box interface from Comcast to get a paid or free on-demand selection?”

Read the full blog on MediaPost’s VidBlog – Focus on the Bigger Picture.

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