
Cinema Achieves Best June Admissions In 27 Years

Cinema Achieves Best June Admissions In 27 Years

The latest figures from the Cinema Advertising Association (CAA) show that films including Notting Hill, The Matrix and The Mummy have contributed to the highest June average admissions in 27 years. June admissions rose by a huge 61.9%, from 7.8 million in June 1998 to 11.0 million last month.

This is also a 33% increase on admissions for May 1999 which means that, although May’s admissions were down year on year, Q2 overall is up 1.9% on 1998. Average weekly admissions for June 1999 were 2.6 million.

July should also prove to be a very successful month, thanks to the success of Star Wars: Episode one – The Phantom Menace (see Star Wars Episode 1 Smashes Box Office Records). Carlton Screen Advertising is predicting that admissions for July will be 40% higher than 1998.

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Carlton Screen Advertising: 0171 534 6363

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