
CMA: “Project Canvas ignores interests of local TV industry”

CMA: “Project Canvas ignores interests of local TV industry”

Project Canvas

According to the Community Media Association (CMA), Project Canvas is ignoring the interests of local media.

Jaqui Devereux, director of the Community Media Association, said: “We urge the BBC and other players behind Canvas to make it available to smaller community broadcasters.

“There is a real danger that they aren’t going to, as their current plans don’t include us.

“It would be great if the Canvas partners would even talk to us at all. There is an opportunity to for Canvas to open up to local TV players. Despite Jeremy Hunt’s support, we don’t currently have any local TV in this country – Canvas could be our chance to provide it.”

This is not the first time Project Canvas has faced criticism – Six TV and Virgin Media have both lodged formal complaints  to Ofcom.

A spokesman for Project Canvas said: “Canvas is not and will never own or control content and its partners will not be able to give their own programmes prominence at the expense of others.

“As an open environment for content providers, Canvas lowers the barriers for independent and local programme-makers looking to have a direct relationship with their audience, on their own terms, with new possibilities to tailor the viewing experience.”

CMA are not expected to lodge a formal complaint against Project Canvas.

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