According to BARB overnight figures, Comic Relief achieved an average adult TVR across the evening of 14, compared to ITV’s 11. At its peak BBC1 achieved adult TVRs of 25 for its showing of ‘One Foot in the Grave’ (22.30), which is an increase of 4 TVRs on Children in Need’s peak of 21. The TVR norm, based on last week’s figures would usually give BBC1 an average TVR for this time period of 7, and ITV 15.
When compared to last week’s viewing figures BBC1 substantially increased both its TV ratings and percentage share of viewing at key times, at the expense of ITV. For the period 1930 – 1945 (Coronation Street), BBC1 increased its share of viewing from 14% to 35%, and TVRs amongst adults from 6 to 16, whilst ITV’s share fell by 20% to 55%. The 20.00 showing of The Bill only achieved an adult TVR of 26 compared to last week’s 32, and ITV’s new drama series Dr Findlay fell from 24 to 19 Adult TVRs. On C4 adult TVRs for Brookside fell by 4 to 7.
In terms of share of viewing BBC1 achieved an average of 48%, compared to ITV’s 35%. BBC1’s peak share of viewing amongst adults was achieved by ‘This Is Spinal Tap’ – a cult satirical ‘rock-documentary’ which peaked at 71% of viewing (2530).
BBC1 Highest Average TVRs/Quarter Hour
BBC1 | ITV | C4 | BBC2 | |
2200 | 24 | 12 | 7 | 1 |
2215 | 23 | 11 | 7 | 1 |
2230 | 25 | 10 | 4 | 1 |
2300 | 24 | 8 | 3 | 2 |
BBC1 Schedule 2200 Have I Got Sports News For You 2215 French/Saunders/Prince/Barry White 2230 One Foot In The Grave 2300 Friday Night Live - Lives Again