
Commercial Radio Boosts Hours Per Listener Across All Demographic Groups

Commercial Radio Boosts Hours Per Listener Across All Demographic Groups


Commercial stations increased the average amount of hours that listeners tune in each week across all demographic groups, and whilst some BBC stations have increased their hours in certain groups, other groups are listening to BBC stations less than they did in Q2, according to figures released by RAJAR alongside the Q3 data release.

In the 15-24 age bracket, listeners are staying with the BBC radio stations for slightly less time during the week, 11 hours down from 11.2 in the last quarter. In the 24-44 bracket, listening hours for BBC Radio have fallen by more than 4% period on period, whilst Main Shoppers With Children have dropped from tuning in for 15 hours last quarter to 14.4 hours in Q3.

The 65 and overs are have boosted the amount of hours they stick with the Corporation’s radio output, up almost 6.5% to over 23 hours each week, whilst children aged 4-14 have increased the number of hours that they tune in to commerical radio, up almost 8% from 10.4 hours to 11.2 hours this quarter.

In the 4-14-year-old group, commercial radio dominates with over 70%, up marginally from the last quarter, whilst the BBC’s share of listening has decreased period on period in this demographic, down more than 11% to 23.6%. The BBC takes the lead for the over 65s at 74%, up 1.6% from Q2.

Slightly more shoppers are listening to the BBC over commercial radio, 52% compared to 48%. However, the BBC’s reach has dropped by 1.2% since Q2 whilst commercial radio’s has risen.

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