
Commercial Radio’s Weekly Reach Grows Across All Demographic Groups

Commercial Radio’s Weekly Reach Grows Across All Demographic Groups

RAJAR Logo The weekly reach of commercial stations grew across all demographic groups in Q4, up 1.4% period on period, whilst there was also an increase, although a marginal one, for the BBC, which recorded period on period growth of 0.47%.

The 4-14 age group saw strong growth in weekly reach for commercial stations, growing by more than 5.8% period on period, an age group that saw a dip of around 2% at the BBC.

For the BBC, Main Shoppers was the demographic group which recorded the largest increase, of over 4.3% period on period.

Commercial stations saw a decrease in share of listening in the 25-44 age group, down almost 5.9% points on the last quarter, leaving it with a share of just over 51%. In the same demographic group, the BBC enjoyed a healthy increase in listening share, up nearly 8.4% points, taking its share in that age range to more than 46.5%.

The BBC also saw an increase in share of listening in the Main Shoppers With Children Category, up nearly 8% points on Q3 2006, taking that group’s share of listening to almost 45% within this demographic.

The BBC saw a large increase in average hours per listener in the 25-44 age group, up almost 8.4% points period on period, taking its average figure to 15.5 hours, whilst there was a big drop for commercial stations in the Children 4-14 age range, of just under 13.4% points, leaving it with an average hours per listener figure of 9.7 hours.

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