
Compact Titles Prove Successful In October ABCs

Compact Titles Prove Successful In October ABCs

Newspapers The Guardian saw its circulation continue to rise in October, adding 6.6% year on year to total 403,297 following its switch to Berliner format earlier this year.

The latest ABC figures give the first full month of reporting for the title in its new format, having made the change in mid-September (see Guardian Hits Newsstands In Berliner Format). and show the paper building on the initial success reported following the change (see Guardian Sees Sales Rise With Berliner).

The Guardian’s impressive circulation increase was not the largest last month, however, as the Times added 7.2% in the same period to total 703,492. The Independent also saw a slight increase last month, adding 0.4% year on year to give a total circulation of 267,037.

The Daily Telegraph remains the market leader within the quality sector, however, with a total circulation of 901,667 despite a year on year dip of 0.3%.

Elsewhere, October delivered disappointing results for the daily newspaper industry as a whole, with circulation declines across all other sectors. The Daily Express was the hardest hit, shedding 11.4% of its circulation, while the nation’s best-selling national newspaper, the Sun, shed 1.6% to total 3.2 million.

The Sunday market looked similarly down in the mouth, with only the Independent on Sunday, Sunday Times and News Of The World showing any increase in circulation.

The Independent on Sunday saw the largest increase, following its switch to tabloid-only format in mid-October (see Independent On Sunday To Make Tabloid Switch). The paper followed its weekday counterpart in publishing as a compact newspaper, and appears to be reaping the benefits, adding 7.3% to its circulation year on year to total 230,053.

The Sunday Times added 3.2% in the same period, retaining its position as the best-selling quality Sunday title with a circulation of 1.4 million, while the News of the World added 0.1% to remain the best-selling Sunday title overall, with a circulation of just under 3.8 million.

A full breakdown of the latest ABC figures will be available on NewsLine this afternoon, with detailed analysis for both weekday and weekend titles by market sector.

ABC: 01442 870 800 www.abc.org.uk

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