
comScore Releases June 2012 U.S. Online Video Rankings

comScore Releases June 2012 U.S. Online Video Rankings

comScore, today released data from the comScore Video Metrix service showing that more than 180 million U.S. Internet users watched 33 billion online content videos in June. Video advertising reached another all-time high in June as 11 billion video ads were viewed.

Top 10 Video Content Properties by Unique Viewers

Google Sites, driven primarily by YouTube, ranked as the top online video content property in June with 154.5 million unique viewers, followed by Yahoo! Sites with 51.5 million, Facebook.com with 49 million, VEVO with 46.2 million and Viacom Digital with 38.9 million. Vimeo moved into the top 10 ranking for the first time at #10 with 21.4 million viewers. Nearly 33 billion video content views occurred during the month.

Top U.S. Online Video Content Properties Ranked by Unique Video Viewers
June 2012
Total U.S. – Home and Work Locations
Content Videos Only (Ad Videos Not Included)
Property Total Unique Viewers (000) Videos (000)* Minutes per Viewer
Total Internet : Total Audience 180,373 32,997,209 1,238.1
Google Sites 154,507 18,274,297 484.4
Yahoo! Sites 51,453 717,806 75.5
Facebook.com 49,003 287,798 20.6
VEVO 46,202 594,806 51.8
Viacom Digital 38,921 433,381 54.2
Microsoft Sites 38,122 433,514 41.8
AOL, Inc. 38,117 544,932 63.7
Amazon Sites 29,826 97,697 17.5
Turner Digital 23,425 215,229 39.7
Vimeo 21,425 71,241 28.3

Top 10 Video Ad Properties by Video Ads Viewed

Online video advertising had another record-breaking month in June with 11 billion total video ad streams as each of the top 5 video ad properties delivered more than 1 billion video ads. Google Sites ranked first with 1.41 billion ads, followed by BrightRoll Video Network with nearly 1.39 billion, Hulu with 1.33 billion, Adap.tv with 1.15 billion and TubeMogul Video Ad Platform with 1.04 billion. Time spent watching video ads totaled 4.6 billion minutes.

Top U.S. Online Video Ad Properties Ranked by Video Ads* Viewed
June 2012
Total U.S. – Home and Work Locations
Ad Videos Only (Content Videos Not Included)
Property Video Ads (000) Total Ad Minutes (MM) Frequency (Ads per Viewer) % Reach Total U.S. Population
Total Internet : Total Audience 11,005,355 4,613 67.7 53.0
Google Sites 1,412,882 147 18.7 24.7
BrightRoll Video Network** 1,387,252 805 12.7 35.7
Hulu 1,328,224 583 51.8 8.4
Adap.tv 1,146,957 649 14.9 25.1
TubeMogul Video Ad Platform** 1,041,279 330 17.2 19.8
Tremor Video** 836,352 447 17.6 15.5
SpotXchange Video Ad Marketplace† 732,171 404 14.2 16.8
Specific Media** 694,406 332 7.8 29.1
ESPN 611,875 191 33.7 5.9
Auditude, Inc.** 611,733 208 12.0 16.7

Top 10 YouTube Partner Channels by Unique Viewers

The June 2012 YouTube partner data revealed that video music channels VEVO (45.1 million viewers) and Warner Music (26.1 million viewers) maintained the top two positions. Gaming channel Machinima ranked third with 23.6 million viewers, followed by Maker Studios with 21.2 million and FullScreen with 16.2 million.

Top YouTube Partner Channels* Ranked by Unique Video Viewers
June 2012
Total U.S. – Home and Work Locations
Content Videos Only (Ad Videos Not Included)
Property Total Unique Viewers (000) Videos (000) Minutes per Viewer
VEVO @ YouTube 45,089 566,811 50.5
Warner Music @ Youtube 26,119 154,696 23.1
Machinima @ YouTube 23,601 447,256 76.1
Maker Studios @ YouTube 21,213 215,972 40.4
FullScreen @ YouTube 16,247 87,266 19.2
BroadbandTV @ YouTube 9,457 47,047 16.3
Clevvertv @ YouTube 7,394 14,596 6.7
Big Frame @ YouTube 7,147 42,382 20.3
Collective Digital Studio @ YouTube 6,564 49,026 25.3
IGN @ YouTube 6,453 34,846 19.3

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