Connected audio now reaches 68% of the population, according to Rajar’s measurement of internet-delivered audio services (Midas).
Midas, which covers total non-commercial and commercial audio combined, revealed that connected audio is listened to for a weekly average of 16.3 hours by UK adults.
Connected audio includes podcast, audiobooks, on-demand music, catch-up radio and live radio listened via smartphones, computers, games consoles, wearable tech, media players, smart speakers and tablets.
The reach figure is up 15 percentage points on 2019, while average listening hours have increased 3.1 hours over the same period.

At the same time, the research found “a noticeable decline” in weekly reach of owned music including digital tracks, CDs, cassettes and vinyl.
Podcasts’ weekly reach has gone from 11% in 2018 to 21% in 2024, with a slight dip on last year’s high of 23%.
In the same time frame, on-demand music has steadily increased from 22% weekly reach to 36%.

Live radio dominated the share of listening for all adults, making up 70% of listening time. This was highest for those aged 55 and over (83%) and lowest for 15-24s (36%).

The Midas data was carried out over two weeks in April, with a sample of 2,143 people aged 15-plus completing a seven-day online diary.
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