
Consumer Confusion Slows HDTV Success In Europe

Consumer Confusion Slows HDTV Success In Europe

High-definition television (HDTV) is set for rapid pick-up in Europe as 4.6 million households are predicted to have the new display technology by 2008.

According to Datamonitor; Germany, the UK and France will lead the European roll-out but it wont be all good news for this market as high-prices and consumer confusion look set to un-do much of the successes and steal the limelight.

The report warns that many consumers may buy expensive televisions that are not HD-ready. However, to reduce the number of us falling prey to low-specification sets, the European Broadcasting Union has put together a minimum standard for HDTV flat-screens.

Currently HDTV, which costs around $4,900, broadcasts in the US, Australia, Japan, Canada and South Korea, with further roll-out expected in the UK as satellite provider, Sky, has recently announced plans to offer HD content to viewers with a go-live date scheduled for 2006.

A separate report from technology analysts InStat/MDR said, it expects HDTV take-up to reach 45 million households worldwide by 2008 (see HDTV Expected To Take Off By 2008).

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