
Consumers increasingly using TV-content apps

Consumers increasingly using TV-content apps


New research from Parks Associates shows that consumers are developing preferences for TV-content apps as more smartphone and tablet users are using applications from networks like MTV and Nickelodeon.

The ‘TV Channel and Network App Users’ research found that 14% of smartphone/tablet users surveyed in Q1 2013 had recently used a TV-content app and almost three quarters of those users were satisfied with the experience.

The most common consumer activities with these apps are watching video, looking up information related to programmes and purchasing related music or merchandise. Viewers were also found to use the apps to check broadcast dates and times.


“The latest round of apps is from content providers, not satellite and cable-TV companies,” said John Barrett, director, consumer analytics, Parks Associates.

“They want to increase viewer loyalty to their shows and enhance the viewing experience with second-screen activities, and it is working, especially among Millennials. This ‘second-screen’ generation is accustomed to consuming content on multiple devices.”

The research also found that ‘Millennials’ have much higher interest in programme/channel-specific apps than older consumers do.

“Companies in the television industry are experimenting with several approaches to TV-related apps for mobile devices,” said Brett Sappington, director, research, Parks Associates.

“Some are already noting several benefits, including greater viewer immersion, the ability to appeal to viewers outside of the broadcast window, and new aspects to storytelling.

“However, the most important implication may be for advertising. As consumers increasingly tune into mobile devices during commercial breaks, these apps provide a way to keep viewer attention,” Sappington said.

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