
Consumers Prepare For An Online Christmas

Consumers Prepare For An Online Christmas

Almost two-thirds of American internet users plan to research or purchase gifts online during the 2003 holiday season with those in high income households most likely to turn to the web for Christmas presents and ideas.

The fourth quarter accounts for over half of full-year sales for some retailers and online traders will be encouraged by a new survey from BURST! Media which found that 64.8% of online consumers plan to use the net as part of the Xmas shopping experience. This compares with 57.8% who said the same in 2002.

Analysis of different income groups shows that internet shopping is a more viable proposition for high earners with almost 80% of respondents in the $100,000+ bracket saying that they intend to research or buy gifts online in the current quarter.

Nonetheless, an impressive 59.1% of those who earn less than $35,000 a year said that they plan to use the net this holiday season, up from 51.6% in 2002.

According to the poll, 57% of those people who plan to purchase gifts online this Christmas will buy at least a quarter of their purchases via the web. eMarketer which reported the survey results, predicts that US consumers will spend a total of $17.8 billion online in the fourth quarter, up from $13.8 billion in the same period last year.

US Online Shoppers Planning To Research And/Or Purchase Holiday Gifts Online, By Income 
Annual Income  2002  2003 
<$35,000 51.6% 59.1%
$35,000-$49,999 58.1% 65.3%
$50,000-$74,999 62.5% 68.6%
$75,000-$99,999 67.1% 74.8%
$100,000+ 76.7% 79.8%
Source: BURST! Media, October 2003 

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