
Full market launch for Sky AdVance early next year

Full market launch for Sky AdVance early next year

Following a year-long test and learn phase, Sky Media has said it will be ready to roll out its cross-screen ad product, Sky AdVance, early next year.

Speaking at the Future TV Ads Forum on Thursday, Sky Media’s deputy MD Jamie West said running campaigns via Sky AdVance – which allows advertisers to connect journeys across screens – had increased click-through rates by as much as 60% for some brands.

“Part of the test phase has been proving that the integrations work and part has been proving the relationships of private marketplaces we have with other publishers is giving us the right quality content,” West said.

“It’s about proving the efficacy of another product that we want to market that really innovates.”

Sky AdVance allows advertisers to target audiences in sequence across different screens – meaning brands can extend TV spot campaigns to people that they know have not seen it via digital ads in on-demand and display.

West said while measuring sequential campaigns is an on-going challenge, Sky has a clear indication than its AdVance product is working for the 100 advertisers currently on board – with one reporting a 90% increase in brand awareness after running a campaign through the service.

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