
DAB+ Gets Milestone Trial

DAB+ Gets Milestone Trial

Digital Radio Broadcasters in Australia have started test transmissions for DAB+, the digital radio format that is apparently three to four times more efficient than regular DAB.

The test will broadcast a mixture of talk and music to allow the industry to test the sound quality of a variety of content at various bit rates.

Although DAB+ receivers are not commercially available yet, it is thought a number of manufacturers will have DAB+ products ready for the official launch in 2009.

“This is the first fully compliant high power broadcast of digital radio using DAB+ technology anywhere in the world, so it’s quite an important milestone,” said Joan Warner, chief executive officer of peak industry body Commercial Radio Australia.

The 4 Digital Group, who recently won the new 12-year DAB national multiplex licence in the UK (see Multiplex Win Signals New Era For Radio), has previously mentioned that it may use the format to broadcast its podcasts (see Battle For The Second DAB Multiplex).

However, this would mean consumers would need to purchase new receivers capable of picking up DAB+, with Ofcom saying that although it is likely that the UK will eventually switch from DAB to DAB+, it will not do so until the majority of radio sets are compatible with the format.

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