
Daily Mail ad revenue rises 13%

Daily Mail ad revenue rises 13%

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Total ad revenues for the Daily Mail & General Trust (DMGT) have increased by 13% year-on-year, in the three months to June.

Display advertising increased by 15%, and there was a significant 46% increase in digital advertising revenue – following news that Mail Online is the most popular UK newspaper site. However, classified advertising was down by 3%, and regional advertising sales were down by 4%.

Revenue was £508 million; which is down 2% on last year, but up 6% on an underlying basis (which adjusts for acquisitions, disposals and closures and is at constant exchange rates). This compares to a 3% fall in the first half of fiscal 2010.

Revenue from the group’s B2B operations was £234 million, which is an 8% increase year-on-year. The underlying increase was 9%.

“Trading in the third quarter has continued to reflect the generally positive trends in our international B2B and UK consumer media businesses, although we remain wary about the medium term outlook, particularly in the UK,” said Martin Morgan, chief executive. “Our significant exposure to non-UK markets leaves us well positioned to continue to deliver profitable organic growth over the longer-term.”

Daily Mail shares closed at 498 pence on Monday, valuing the company at £1.91 billion.

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