
Daily Mail Saturday Ups Price To 80p

Daily Mail Saturday Ups Price To 80p

Daily Mail Cover The Daily Mail is set to raise the cover price of its Saturday edition for the first time in five years, from 70p to 80p.

It will make the paper 20p more expensive than its mid-market rival, The Daily Express, which complained about The Daily Mail‘s price increases earlier this year.

The Mail increased its weekday price by 5p in April this year (see Price Increase For Daily Mail).

The weekday edition will remain at 50p, while The Mail on Sunday will also keep its £1.50 cover price.

The Saturday edition last saw a price increase, from 60p to 70p, in October 2003.

A number of papers in the quality market, including The Times and The Independent, have also raised their cover prices in recent months.

The latest ABC figures, for August 2008, show that the Daily Mail has a circulation of 2.3 million, although it was down year on year by around 3.5% (see ABC National Newspaper Round-Up: August 2008).

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