
Daily Telegraph Goes Full Colour

Daily Telegraph Goes Full Colour

Telegraph Logo The Daily Telegraph has relaunched in full colour after a deal was reached with News International to use its printing division.

The paper now features colour coded bars at the top of each page, a redesigned sports section, expanded comment and features and a new look business section.

The Telegraph said in today’s edition: “From today, for the first time in its long and distinguished history, every page of your Daily Telegraph will be in colour – thanks to a multimillion-pound move to new printing presses in Broxbourne, Herts, Knowsley on Merseyside and Motherwell in Scotland.

“Readers will be able to enjoy even better pictures and exciting new graphics throughout the paper.”

The paper has also launched a new crossword, while its weather section has been added to and the arts pages now feature star ratings for reviewed events.

Telegraph Media Group is currently in negotiations with Express Newspapers over the pension scheme for employees at their joint West Ferry printing plant.

TMG has set a deadline of 2009 to pull out of the West Ferry venture, although it still has to agree a deal with Express Newspapers over the pension deficit.

Telegraph Group: 020 7538 5000 www.telegraph.co.uk

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