
Datamonitor Consumer Spending Survey Reveals Good News For eCommerce

Datamonitor Consumer Spending Survey Reveals Good News For eCommerce

Datamonitor’s 2001 interactive consumer survey, IMPACT 2001 reveals that many people have taken to online shopping despite initial fears that the relative newness of the concept or lack of knowledge of the internet would put people off shopping online.

The European ecommerce market is now said to be worth an estimated $16.4 billion, generated by just 14% of online shoppers – 50% don’t even access the Internet.

Datamonitor identify five groups of online shoppers: The Resistors, Agnostics, Phantoms, Moderates and Internet Globetrotters. 50% of European respondents say they do access the Internet at all – the Resistors. 9% are Agnostics – they have access but do not browse for products online. Phantoms at 27% make up the largest share – however although they browse for products online, they make the purchase off-line. The Moderates, 8%, make online purchases but are low-spending. The biggest online spenders are the Internet Globe Trotters (IGTs), yet they make up the smallest share, just 6%.

Datamonitor forecast that a new application is required in order squeeze the greatest possible revenue out of ecommerce and say that value must be added to the product in order to lure web users into buying online.

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