
Debenhams opt for commerce mobile app

Debenhams opt for commerce mobile app


Debenhams has launched a new mobile app in the past week, allowing users to instantly shop and research products.

While other retailers have opted for the general mobile website, Debenhams’ app offers simple shopping drilldown options, where customers can browse departments down to brand, price, size and colour, while providing excellent product images.

In addition the app provides the ability to scan barcodes around the store, as well as the intention to include QR codes in its advertising and store windows which will allow users of the app to access exclusive offers. The inclusion of a very useful store finder detects your location and displays your four closest stores together with store contact and opening details.

Commentators have suggested that the purchase pages offer slight barriers to purchase, due to fiddly registration screens which have to be completed before proceeding as well as an overly prominent promotion page, which could encourage users to go off and look for discount codes, thereby leaving the checkout process.

However overall the app is a positive step towards mobile commerce for Debenhams, with minimal steps to purchase and clear intelligent shopping screens.

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